International Missions
In July of 2016, Pastor Rick Koch, Darci Chambers and Emily Sands from Brazil FUMC spent two weeks in Paraguay, South America. Pastor Rick has been to Paraguay several times on missions during his ministry in New York, but Brazil FUMC has not had connections with Paraguay until this year. One purpose of the trip was to build relationships with the United Methodist churches, pastors, and missionaries in Paraguay and to see the projects that have been completed and those that are underway. As the team traveled to 5 different cities and visited about 8 churches around Paraguay, they offered hope and inspiration to the Paraguayans, but were equally inspired by the strong devotion and faith the Christian Paraguayans lived out. The team also visited an Indian tribe (the Tobas) with the senior class from New Horizon Methodist School who performed a Christian program with skits, singing, and games for the Toba families. There is an abundance of both rural and urban poverty in Paraguay, and the country is in need of much economic improvement in general. Rick, Darci, and Emily were able to make strong connections with several people there to establish a relationship between Paraguay and Brazil, Indiana, and they look forward to growing those relationships with more mission opportunities in the years to come!